Friday Five - June 19, 2020
I have been having so much fun putting together the Friday Five posts! This week I created a small patio setup. Each piece would be perfect for a small refresh or the full set would make a great patio update. Enjoy!

Friday Five - June 12, 2020
Welcome to GND Friday Five! Each week I’ll show you five fun things I am loving that week.
I am so excited that it is FINALLY feeling like summer here in Pennsylvania. The weather is staying warm and we are so happy to be spending more time outside. I put together a small collection of outdoor items for the summer. Enjoy!

Master Bath Mood Board
We have slowly started updating our Master Bathroom. Check out the mood board to see what I have planned for our bathroom update.

Why I Started My Interior Design Business
Interior Design has always been a passion of mine. Follow along on our adventure!